Monday, May 3, 2010

Zamboni Monday

For years I nagged the rink guys for a ride on the Zamboni. My day finally came this morning and it was way better than a ride, I drove it! Of course, I had no real camera to capture my dream coming true, but here are a couple camera phone pictures the mechanic took of me.

Here I am backing the Zamboni into the USA rink!

Then, I got to cut the ice and drive around real sloooooowwwwwww.

How did your Monday go?


Courtney said...

Love, love, love, love this, you lucky duck!

L said...

I am SO jealous. Do you remember the "LA Times" (as in "Lawrence Ave" elementary school newspaper)? In 2nd grade I interviewed Clarkson's Zamboni driver for the paper. Life highlight.