Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Future of a Mansion

On Monday, November 21, 2011, the historic Wellscroft Lodge, a tudor mansion will be sold to the highest bidder in Collar City's bankruptcy real estate auction.

The mansion built in Upper Jay in 1903 was sold in the 1940s due to financial troubles after the Depression and has had several owners since. Unfortunately, the most recent owners have had the same misfortune and the future of Wellscroft remains unknown.

As a tween, a popular fortune game that my friends and I played was called M.A.S.H., which stood for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House.

You would list as the picture above shows; four different cars, four boys, four jobs, and number of future children. Then you would make a squiggly or spiral in the center of the box until your friend said "Stop!" and you would then count the lines and that would be the number you would use to go around the box, crossing selections off until you only had one in each category.

If you ended up with a shack, you obviously had no future, even if you landed on lawyer for your job. A mansion was the best thing to get. For sure. Who wouldn't want the mansion?

The other day when I was walking around the Wellscroft mansion during a preview with my husband, I couldn't help but think about the fortune game again and how his name was never, not once on any of my M.A.S.H. games. I also realized how wrong I was about ever wanting a mansion because when I walked into one room and called his name, I couldn't find him. That fortune game never told me that some day I'd be much more comfortable in an 1100 square foot home as opposed to a 17,000 + sq. ft. mansion. M.A.S.H. predicted nothing accurately, but honestly I'm happy with how things have turned out.


Laura Hooker said...

Love this post...I so remember playing MASH too. Thanks for jarring my memory!

Sista said...

Yep, you're one lucky gal w/ Drew, a camry and your adorable house. :)

Anonymous said...

Any idea what it sold for?

Genny Stutesman said...

Size is never a measure of happiness. But in houses (and let's get real about it), mostly it's about ownership and expenses. But love can even trump that. ;)

Along the Ausable said...

Rumor has it that the bank purchased it for $500,000.

Fasty said...

oh my god, i looooved mash. and i always wanted to stay at the wellscroft because it was supposedly haunted...