Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A River Flows On

"Rivers are roads which march and carry you where you wish to go." Pascal

After writing this blog for just over four years, it is time to say good bye.  I wanted to say thank you for following along here and reading about my many adventures along the Ausable.  The entire time I was hunting down phone booths, photographing gargoyles or sampling food, I met some truly incredible people within the community that have since become friends.

Local business owners never gave me a hard time about my odd ways of pretending I was a serious investigative reporter and neighbors started getting used to me acting like I was a private detective.  They didn't give me the "stink eye" when I was trying to solve mysteries of pencil shavings in the covered bridge or pulling my car over on the side of the road and walking into the river to take odd pictures.  The ladies in the knitting group at the Chiropractor's Office/Alpaca Shop humored me just like the women in my book group did letting me go on and on about my adventures, even if that did mean I was sharing too much information about bodily functions while running on 9N.  These women helped me understand that there were just some things I shouldn't write about on the internet.

Luckily, their critiques never stopped me from writing about bear poop in our mud room.  I'd like to thank google analytics for giving me real data on how many people in the world actually google "Poop Identification."  I've also come to realize people truly like reading about bad things happening to good people, like the time I wrote about vomiting along the Ausable when I tried to spend an afternoon floating down the river in a water tube.  As fun as it has all been, the time has come for this blog to move along with the river.

With the arrival of 2013, the river has begun to freeze and I am already looking ahead to the spring when the water will be rushing again and we will be welcoming our first child.  I find this time to be both thrilling and scary all at the same time, but I am truly excited about sharing my adventures with a little one.

Thank you all for your friendship and for reading along.

"A river seems a magic thing.  A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself." Laura Gilpin


Anonymous said...

Alison, your blog entries, always added a smile to my day. They will be sorely missed, but new adventures are on the way. I love you and your wit. Mom

Anonymous said...

You're a great writer, I hope you keep it up. Congratulations and Happy New Year!!!

Miriam Wilcox said...

Congratulations on the little one. Being a mom is challenging but wonderful. At least your baby will be coming as the weather is getting nicer. Dragging a tiny baby around in winter kind of sucks.

Amy said...

Will miss them as I check my e-mails everyday but just more reason to pick up the phone and chat w/ my talented Sis. Love you, Amy

Michelle said...

Another example of parallel lives! We're both ending out blogs with the new year. 2013 is going to be too busy to blog- but I do enjoy your writing, you have a real talent there. I hope to visit you and the river again at some point. Or come down to see me at my river :)

Liz from RI said...

Loved reading your blog over the years as a window into my favorite place (where I wish I lived)! Will always remember your post on the former Red Barn Antiques which led me to check it out and find some incredible steals and memories. Best of luck in your new adventures.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to see this blog come to an end! Thank you for sharing all your stories. As a part-time Upper Jay'r, it was very nice to read about the going's-on in the community while we were away. I hope you'll decide to pick it up again one day!

Anonymous said...

Echo all the previous posts. Thanks for helping me keep in touch with the region I love and congratulations!

JHaas said...

A great read, thanks for the entertainment and sharing your neighborhood with us all. Jeremy

Verena said...

This is cool!