Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Things I like about going to the dump...

After weeks of our garbage and recyclables piling up, it was time for me to take a trip to Lake Placid.  I find going to the dump is kind of like exercising, it takes a lot of mental energy to just get up and do it, but once you're doing it, it's not that bad.  

Here are a few things I like about the North Elba Recycling Center and Refusal Station:

1)  The fact that they had a contest to pick a new name for the road going into the dump.  It went from Dump Lane to Recycle Circle Lane.  

2)  I like the pretty yellow walls in the recycling building with Adirondack brown and yellow signs.

3)  I think that the views you have from the landfill are some of the best in town.  


Elvis with Mountains

4) Also, I think the employees are really helpful.  When I wasn't happy with the above picture, I was given special permission to walk on the landfill to check out Elvis.  My friend Heather happened to show up with her garbage just in time and she came with me.  We were very excited to see that Elvis had been bedazzled with some faux gems.  

Here is Heather and Elvis: 

I hope your next trip to the landfill is just as fulFILLing as mine was!


rabbit13676 said...

Love, love, love this post!

Heather said...

finest piece of real estate with the best views in town ...

TourPro said...

Being originally a city-boy, moving to Plattsburgh seemed quite "rural". Our first apartment had a wood stove. I thought that was so cool and "rustic".

I've always had garbage service. Never had to go to the dump. Frankly, I'm not even sure where the nearest dump is around here - Morrisonville? Or what the procedure is. You could say that I'm trash-illiterate.

Your description almost makes me want to go check it out.